About Parallel Care Clinic

A Home Away

from Home

Our facility goes beyond being just a care facility but becomes a true home for our clients and their families. We believe in the importance of building close relationships and treating everyone as part of an extended family.

lifestyle enrichment program

Our Values

To uara

Clients must be treated with respect and dignity.  Have the freedom to choose how they want to live their lives and receive the support they need.  Be able to exercise choice and control in all areas of their lives. Supporting to live everyday lives as much as possible. Clients are not seen as disabled. “They are people”

What We Value

Aha matou uara

  • Keeping our commitments.
  • Respect for co-workers and members of the community.
  • Taking direction from our clients. 
  • Plain and straight-forward language.
  • The power of teamwork.
  • A responsible use of limited resources.
  • Quick, effective responses to individuals and groups, with no duplication of services.
  • A “get things done” approach to meeting our goals.
  • Celebrating our victories and learning from our failures.
  • diversity of cultures, education, disabilities and life experiences.

Our Purpose

To kaupapa

Reintegration into mainstream society to reduce stigma and support their independent lived experience, consumer voice and to live their holistic perspective life.

Stigma managed- Engage in compensatory strategies including acknowledgement providing individuating and increased positivity. 

Holistic approach- To provide support that looks at the whole person, not just their mental health needs. The support also considers their physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing.

Parallel Care Clinic

PCC models of Social Support

PCC tauira O pāpori tautoko

  • Expressions of empathy, love, trust and caring.
  • Tangible aid and service.
  • Advice, suggestions, and information.
  • Information that is useful for self-evaluation.

Rather than one universal experience of clients with disability, this view acknowledges that the disabled clients have different experiences across time and cultures, and ideas about what disability means and who is disabled are defined by humans.

PCC building clients’ social support systems, being accountable to the clients fellowshipping with others who have similar problems, and gaining knowledge about their disorder and its symptoms so we can recognize triggers. In addition, a healthy support system includes appropriate psychological services.

Disability sector

Enabling Good Lives (EGL)

To Whakahohe Pai Ka ora EGL

Enabling Good Lives is a approach to supporting disabled people that offers greater choice and control over the support they receive, so that they can plan for the lives they want. And their family (whanau) can choose to increase the choice and control they have in their lives and support. Creating an inclusive world built on trust, respect and equality. Where people with a disability live the life they choose.

Our Speciality

Our Model theory

To tauira ariā

Is a strengths-based rehabilitation theory that augments the risk, need,and responsibility principles of effective correctional intervention through its focus on assisting clients to develop and implement meaningful life plans that are incompatible with future offending.



All clients who require medication throughout the day will need a registered GP to chart up the medication before we will give it and we will do it according to how the GP prescribes it.

Our most senior staff will be in charge of administering medication.

Our Staffs

To kaimahi

Our rehabilitation specialist staff members have all knowledge, expertise and experience within the Health and Disability sector.have been training for working with clients with disabilities( NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Level 2,3 and 4). New Zealand nurse practitioner (Mātanga Tapuhi). And a valid NZ first aid certificate. 

All our staff members are patient and have highly-developed, flexible communication skills. Self-awareness. To be assertive to ensure people with a learning disability do not suffer discrimination. A core skill sensitive human interaction. 



Our services and programs funding may be available from New Zealand’s accident compensation scheme (ACC) and Ministry of Social Development (MSD) or through private payment.

Our FB is updated regularly so families (whanau) can see what’s happening onsite.

Our programs run from Monday to Friday.

Our service runs for 48 weeks per year (excludes public holidays, staff training days and Christmas holidays).